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Obama jokes about lackluster debate performance at star-studded fundraiser

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President Obama made fun of his lackluster debate showing Sunday, marveling to a roomful of star entertainers that they invariably turn in flawless performances.
“I can’t always say the same,” Obama quipped to the audience at a Los Angeles fund-raiser that included actor George Clooney and singers Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, Jon Bon Jovi and Katy Perry.
Earlier, Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs acknowledged that Mitt Romney put on a “masterful theatrical performance” at the first debate but said the President is looking forward to their next clash.
Gibbs gave Romney an “F” on substance — saying he was “fundamentally dishonest,” abandoned the main tenets of his campaign, and dodged questions about financing his tax-cut plan.
Romney adviser Ed Gillespie told ABC that Obama did poorly in the debate because he couldn’t rebut Romney’s economic plan.
A poll released this weekend showed Romney pulling ahead of Obama after the debate with a two-point lead — but the President’s campaign revealed it pulled in $181 million in donations in September.


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