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New documentary details 2008 murder case involving 1,100-lb. woman, the so-called ‘Half Ton Killer’

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A Texas woman who confessed to accidentally crushing her nephew to death with her 1,100-pound frame was actually covering for her sister, who later admitted to police she beat the boy to death, a new documentary reveals.

The TLC documentary, called "Half-Ton Killer?" follows the trial and eventual exoneration of Mayra Rosales, 31, who is one of the most obese women in the world. Rosales also discusses her weight and how she ended up at more than 1,000 pounds.

Rosales, who is bedridden inside her home in the tiny Texas border town of Sullivan City, gained national notoriety in 2008 when she told police that she rolled over while lying down and crushed her 2-year-old nephew, Eliseo. She was nicknamed the "half ton killer" in the press.

But Rosales' lawyer, Sergio Valdez, was skeptical of the confession because his client could barely move, let alone roll over.

He described to filmmakers the first time he met her.

"When you first walk in, she's got a blanket covering her; there's pillows all around her and so you don't know whether it's pillows or whether it's her," he said.

Investigators were also skeptical because the boy's injuries were not consistent with being crushed. Eventually, Rosales admitted that she saw her sister beat the young boy with a brush.

Mayra Rosales took the heat because she didn't want her other nieces and nephews to be without a mother, she says in the film.

Jaime Rosales eventually pleaded guilty to causing injury to a child and is serving a 15-year sentence.

The movie was produced by Megalomedia Inc. and premiered Wednesday night. It will air again on Nov. 7.


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