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Former President Bill Clinton pushes for stricter gun control during Consumer Electronics Show speech

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Former President Bill Clinton was a surprise guest on Wednesday at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where he seized his opportunity to make a push for greater gun control during a speech about technology.
“I grew up in this hunting culture, but this is nuts,” the Arkansas native said. “Why does anybody need a 30 round clip for a gun? Why does anybody need one of those things that carries 100 bullets?”
Clinton’s remarks come as an Obama administration task force is crafting a series of recommendations to stem gun violence following the horrific mass shooting at an elementary school in Newton, Conn., which killed 20 small children and six adults.
Vice President Biden, who is spearheading the effort, is scheduled to meet on Thursday with the National Rifle Association as well as with Wal-Mart, the nation’s top seller of guns.
During Clinton’s speech on Wednesday, the former president seemed to favor reinstating the federal assault weapons that expired 10 years after he signed into law in 1994.
“Half of all mass killings in the United States have occurred since the assault weapons ban expired in 2005,” he said. “Half of all of them in the history of the country.”
Clinton also alluded to the National Rifle Association’s controversial proposal to protect students against mass shootings by placing armed guards in schools, saying it can’t be the only solution to the problem of gun violence.
“Do there need to be some armed guards in some schools where there is a high crime rate and kids themselves may take weapons to school? Absolutely,” he said. “But it is not an excuse not to deal with this issue.”


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