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Jackal and the farmer

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Long age. There was a farmer in a village. He was every day from morning until late evening worked in his farm.
A jackal comes every day and sat on a stone and asks the farmer.
How are you today,  Uncle?  The Farmer says. I'm fine.  Jackal asks again. What are you seeds in farm?
Farmers says, melon and watermelon..
Jackal speaks, who is the protection by night?
The farmers tell him. Thick fresh black dog. The jackal hear  whenever that he many abuses to him and  run way very fast.
The poor farmer takes a stick and behind the runs. But he never  get him.
The farmer was very upset by him.
One day the farmer went to meet his friend. who was do weed works.  He asked to farmer. you are looking so upset, why?
The farmer told him all story. The woodworker. says. It's no big problem. I'm taking to you that gum and where he sits on a stone. You put this on before his comes.
The farmer gone back to home very happy.. The next morning the farmer put gum on this rock. Where the jackal has sitting daily.
Jackal came and said as usual. How are you today? Uncle.  I'm good. the farmer said.  Jackal asked again some question. What are you seeds in the from. He told again . Melon and watermelon.Jackal speaks, who is the protection by night?
The farmers tell him. Thick fresh black dog   . Jackal  was said many abuses to him and  try to run way.
But what is the hell.he said. He was stuck in stone. Farmer has too much beaten him And then hung reversed from a tree.
Everyone kicked him who goes this route. Until everning Jackal was beaten to everyone..
He screamed loudly. O people, if i died, then resurrection day will come now. A man scared opened him. Perhaps he has the right.
Jackal said to him, thanks a lot O kind brother.  Resurrection day come or not come. But i have passed aresurrection day on myself.. He ran fast and did not return again..


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