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Pakistan's bigest problem is the lack of moral, social, historical and political awareness. Our country came into exixtense as an
ideological state but today our new generation does not contain the knowledge of pakistan's ideology.
The pakistan's nation is divided into maney groups on the basis of liguistic, locality and culture. Urdu is our national language
but it's promotion is being done on a small scale. Pakistan's electoral politics is such that any criminal can be elected as our
nation's representative by using money and power. The crop of terrorism has been seeded in corners of our country.
Suicide bombing are common in pakistan. Foreign spies are openly patrolling in the dimension of pakistan but our Goverment
dare not stop them. Our economy is dependent on some western counties. Our beloved country is trapped in interest system
and loaned to a great extent. Unemployment is rising and the blocked of electricity has spreed unrest in the nation. Our social
style is also under influence of some western countries. The storm of obscenity has surrounded our youth.
Our society is underway towards a moral decline. This is not that Pakistan whose dream was seen by Allmah Iqbal and whose
case was faught by Quaid-e-Azem. We have no leader who can outwith our country with these crisis. Are we going on sit hands on hands to wait for this leader ?

We live in as era where there is turmoil around us. There was an age of stone but today a common man is stone-hearted.
There are few people amonsgst us who have true love as luck. We are breathing in the atmoshphere of competition. The competition is of big homes, expensive cars, high quality garments and other luxury items. How can we bear that our friends,
relatives and neightbors take advantage on us in accumulating wealth. If we dont know the principles on how to earn and spend money. Then this money will become burden on our soul. What is the use of that money which connot give us
We have seen hatreds flounshing in the homes of many rich people. Money can buy sleeping pills not peace of heart and mind. Stand at road side look at cars. Yoyr observation will inform you that such cars are very less in which a family are
travelling. Most of the rich people in the world are suffering through loneliness. Psychiatrists will agree with me that loneliness
is the major couse of mental disorders. Limit the list of your necessitiess of life. The more you prolong it, the more complicated your life will be. Persuade the children to seek education. But do not ask them to seek education just earn
money when they become older. Give them the lesson of seeking education and making their and others life pleasant through it. Pakistan's squalidness will not be over till we free ourselves from personal interests and serve the country. This is the
requirement of patriotism.

We see a lot of ignorance when it comes to the mattes of marraige in our pakistani society. Wrong perception about marriage
can lead to disaster. Marriage is a strong relationship that helps in eradicating impurity from society social contract and is not
unbreakable easily. Every pakistani man or woman has the right to choose his or her life partner.
Psrents can guide their children during this process but cannot force thier opinions. While marrying a man or woman, thier
personality, life style and education should be taken into account. We see many married couples around us where man
and woman have ideology conflict. There in nothing wrong when a man or woman loves each other and convest this love into
marriage, a healthy relationship. Love between a man or woman is natural but they should not convert this love into pre-marital
relationship.  There is a liberal class in pakistan which practices and advocates premarital relationships. Our media telecasts
dramas, films, and stage shows which potray love in its filthy from. As a result, our young generation has indulged in vulgarity.
Vulgarity will give our young generation nothing but disease. It is our moral responsibility to put the producersm directors
and writers of such programs behind bars. Many people put forword the question to us "What is pakistani society good at?
Our answer to them is always same and this is Our society is good in establishing family system". Woman as a mother, sister, daughter or wife plays a vital role in the unity and well being of the family. We should educate our woman and give them feedon within moral boundries. We strongly against the employment of women unless men cannot fulfil the finacial needs of the family...

Written By khalid khan


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