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Lucky or Misfortune

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Living with cp  is a very painful life. I think who is better know. whoever forced living that life.
My personally thought that. A physically normal guy can't understand our mind and heart feelings.
Let us we knowing first,  what is Cp?
The brain controls all that we do. Different parts of  the brain control the movement of every muscle of  the body. In cerebral palsy, there is damage to, or lack  of development in, one of these areas of the brain.“Cerebral” – refers to the brain.“Palsy” – can mean weakness or paralysis or lack of muscle control. Therefore cerebral palsy is a disorder of muscle control
which results from some damage to part of the brain. The term cerebral palsy is used when the problem has occurred early in life, to the developing brain.

We should even remember that must be an effected of cerebral palsy person also keeps thoughts some like a normal person. He has also heart feelings,happiness,
grief/ sorrow, rather his feeling too much to others.
As i am too effected of cp, I can better understand rather to others. Because i have also 33 years lived with cp and living even right now unless  death.
As  a living with cp. If i write that, What i have lost or what i have got to own recently life.
Then my that words will not be wrong. I got it so much and a little less lost.
I have so much got my parents love to other my bro/sisters. I got, so much kindness from my teachers and relatives. I think we are lucky persons in this universe.
I realize that a effected of cp person rate of thought to better a normal person.
if you give a chance with better guidance to them. I strongly believe that.
They will can new innovations, because a common man has a lot of thoughts going on his mind. But a physically special man can thinking one side, therefore he just need a good guidance and your encouragements...

Written By khalid khan


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