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Dreams make me sad
Why i seeing such this dreams
My soul wanna freedom to 
My parayltic body,
But he couldn't do yet
My wishes has been freezed
But my heart feeling still alive

Dreams make me sad
Whenever I'm watching to around
The peoples look like happy
But when I'm staring at them,
So i have finding only pain and sorrow
on their face,
I do feel that
Their soul is wounded
Written by: Khalid khan

Ali Baba And Forty Thieves

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There were  once two brothers. Kassim and Ali baba lived in Africa. Kassim was rich and greedy. His brothe Ali Baba was kind and he worked very hard, but he was poor. Every day Ali Baba went to the forest with his donkeys. There he cut wood which he sold in the market.
One day Ali Baba was cutting wood when he saw a big cloud of dust in the path in front of him. It was a wild, lonely part of the forest and Ali baba was a little frigtened. He hid his donkeys behind a big rock. Then he climbed a tree and hid among the branches. Through the young leaves he saw forty men on black horses. They stopped just under Ali Baba's tree, but they did not look up. They looked at a big wall of rock a few yards away.
Open Seame ! called the leader of the men. The wall of rock opened wide and Ali Baba saw  a bags off their horses cave. The men took some heavy bags off their horses and carried them into the cave. They were robbers, and bags were full of gold, selver snd jewels.
They are hiding their treasure, said Ali Baba to himself. He saw the robbers come out again. They climbed on their  horses. Their chief called 'Close Seame! and the door of the cave shut like magic. Then the robbers rode away in a cloud of dust.

When the air was still and quiet again, Ali Baba climbed down from his tree. He stood before the wall of rock and said, 'Open Seame!!  At once the cave door opened and Ali Baba went inside. The cave was full of treasure.
Ali Baba took a small bag of gold. It was almost too heavy for him to move. Then he put his treasure on the back of one of his donkeys. He arranged some wood on top, then he went home. His wife was very excited and she began to count the gold. There was so much, she got as far as a hundred, then she forgot, and had  to start again.
I can't count all this gold, she said to her husband..

There is enough to make us rich, said Ali Baba. Why do you want to count it ?
But his wife was unhappy. She needed to know just how rich she was. She went to Kassim's wife and borrowed her scales.
Why does Ali Baba's wife want my scales ? said Kassim's wife. She rubbed a little butter on the scales.
Kassim's wife hated mysteries, she had to know all about ecerything.
Ali Baba's wife ran home and weighed the gold coins. Then she gave the scales back to Kassim's wife. She did not notice that a small gold coin was stuck to the scales.

Kassim's wife showed him the coin. I thought your brother was a poor man? she cried. But now his wife has so much gold that she has to weight it !  Kassim was angry.
Where did you get your gold, brother ? He asked Ali Baba.
Ali Baba had to tell him the story of the robbers and the cave.
At once Kassim wanted the whole treasure for himself. For days he followed Ali Baba. At last Ali Baba went to the cave to get another small bag of the gold.  Kassim hid behind a rock and watched him. 'Open Seame" said Ali Baba  and the door of the cave opened.
I must remember those words, said Kassim to himself.  Next day he went to the wall of rock and said, 'Open Seame" The cave door opened and Kassim ran inside.  "Close Seame" he called.  Now he was alone with the treasure. He filled a huge bag with jewels and went to the door of cave. But he could not remember the magic words.

'Open coffee! he shouted. Nothing happened.
'Open genie!     still nothing happened.
He tried again and again.  At last the door opened and robbers came in. They were bringing more treasure to the cave.

When the robbers saw Kassim they look their knives and cut him into small pieces.  Then they went away again. Night came. and Kassim did not come home for dinner. His wife went to Ali Baba. Ali Baba realized that his brother was in danger.  He hurried to the cave. He found Kassim's body in pieces on the floor. He collected the pieces and took them house.
As soon as he was rich enough, he found a good, clever servant girl. Her name was Morgiana and she helped Ali Baba's wife in the house. When Ali Baba came home with his brother's body, he asked Morgiana to help.
Sir, She said, you and your wife have been very kind to me.
I will do anything you ask me.  I want to help, Ali Baba showed her the little pieces of Kassim's bady,
What can we do ?  He asked.
People will ask questions. Perhaps the robber cheif will hear about it. Then he will come and kill us all.
Leave it to me, said Morgiana. She found a clever tailor. She covered his eyes and led him at night to a dark room in Ali Baba's house.  There in the dark, the tailor sewed the body together.
No one will know that Kassim was the body in the cave, said Ali Baba to himself.  There has been an accident, he told Kassim's wife. They buried the body very quietly and no one asked any questions. When  the robbers came back to the cave, the body was gone.

Someone came in while we were away, said the cheif, that means someone knows the magic words. We must find him and kill him.
The robbers asked a lot of questions in the town. Did anyone bury a body, that wascut up in pieces? they asked.
No one knew anything. Then one day the robber cheif tore his coat.  The tailor who sewed it together worked by a very small weak lamp.   How can you sew with so little light ?  asked the robber cheif.
I don't need much light. I can sew with my eyes shut. Last week I sewed a man's body together in dark. He told the robber cheif his story.
Lead me there, said the robber cheif.
He gave the  tailor a gold coin and covered his eyes with a cloth. The tailor led him to Ali Baba's house. The robber cheif took a piece of chalk out of his pocket and marked a large, while cross on th door.
Tomorrow, said the robber cheif to his men, we will burrn that house and our enemy too. Exrly morning Morgiana went outside to clean the door-step. She found the white chalk cross.  She did not know what it mean, but  she did not like it. she took another piece of chalk and marked every door in the street.

When the robbers arrived, they did not know what to do. Their cheif went back to the tailor. Again he paid the tailor  to lead him to Ali Baba's house. This time he was sure about it.
Listen to my plan, he told his men.  I shall pretend that I am selling oil. We'll get twenty donkeys and forty oil jars. Each of you must hide in on of the jar.  When it is time to attack, I will lift the lide. Then you must
jump out and kill everyone.

The thirty-nine robbers hid in the oil jars. Their cheif  filled the fortieth jar with oil. That evening he knocked at Ali Baba's door.
Good friend ! he said!!
My twenty donkeys and I have nowhere to spend the night. If I give you that jar of oil, will you let us sleep in your yard ?
Keep your oil, my friend, said Ali Baba. You are welcome. Give weter to your donkeys, then come and eat with us.

Morgiana was cooking the dinner. She needed more oil and the shops were already shut. There are forty jars of oil in the yard, she said to himself. No one will mind if i take a little.
She took a cup out into the yard. she opened the nearest jar. Is it time ? said a man's voice. At first Morgiana thought it was a genie. But she was brave as well as clever. No, she said to robber in the jar.
She went to the next jar, and the next. The same thing happened. At last she found the one jar that contained oil.

Morgiana took her cup of oil into the kitchen. Men do not usually hide in oil jar, she thought. I must do something about this. She took her biggest pot from the kitchen and filled it with oil from the jar in the yard. She put the  pot of oil on the kitchen fire until the oil was boiling. Carefully she carried it out  into the yard. Carefuuly she poured a little hot oil into each jar. Then she went back to the kitchen and finished cooking the dinner.

When everyone else was in bed the robber cheif went out into the yard. He lifted the lid of the first jar. It is time, he said. There was no answer. The same thing happened the next time, and the time after that.
All this thirty-nine men were dead.
The next morning Ali Baba's guest appeared to be in a great hurry. He forgot to thank Ali Baba for his kind welcome and good dinner. He just rode away his twenty donkeys and his forty jats.  Ali Baba and his wife felt hert and sad. Only Morgiana understood.
Later she told Ali Baba her story. You have saved our lives, said Ali Baba.
You are not my servant and more. From today you are my dear daughter. Ali Baba's wife was very pleased, and so was his young son.  Morgiana was pretty as well as clever and the young man fall in love with her.
For a whole year they all lived together in peace. But one day the robber cheif came back.  This time he wore the clothes and jewels of a rich man. He pretended to feel ill outside Ali Baba's house. Of course, Ali Baba invited him to come in.
That night Morgiana cooked a wonderful dinner. The stranger saw her pretty face and ate her good food.
He at once offered Ali Baba a good price for her.  I cannot sell Morgiana, said Ali Baba. I have accepted her as my daugher.
Then let me make my wife, said the stranger. Ali Baba's son gave him a black,  angry look. Ali Baba was very unhappy. In the East, no one likes to say 'No' to a guest.

Would you like to marry me, my little suger-cake? said he stranger. Morgiana pretended she was pleased, but her eyes were hard and cold. The stranger tried to take her in his arms. As he did so, his coat opened. Morgian quick eyyes saw a long knlfe in his belt.

Let me dance for you, she said to the stranger. She went to her room and put on a beautiful dress and a veil of many colours. She carried a little silver drum in one hand and a small knife in the other.
Morgiana danced like a leaf in the wind. As she danced she beat the drum and waved the knife above her hand, Faster and faster she flew. The rich stranger tried to catch her, he wanted to hold her beautiful body in this arms.
Suddenly Morgiana threw herself at the stranger. She buried the knife in his heart.
What have you done? cried Ali Baba.
It is the robber cheif, father, said Morgiana.  She opened the dead man's coat and showed Ali Baba the knife.

Now we can live in peace at last ! said Ali Baba. And Morgiana saved us all. She married Ali Baba's son,
it was a happy wedding for a long time they lived together in peace.
After a year Ali Baba felt brave enogh to go back to the magic cave. Long grass and tall plants covered the wall of rock, but  when Ali Baba said "Open Seame"   the cave opened as asily as before.
Once more the treasure lay at Ali Baba's feet.
Ali Baba became the richest man in the city. No one  was unhappy with him because he was never greedy. He built a palace for his wife and himself. He bought a farm for his son and Morgiana. He also gave a lot of money to the poor and stick people. Every night he knelt down besid hisd bed and thanked God for his good luck.....

The Niggard Man

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Long ago, an old chemist called Kassim lived in Baghdad. He was  rich but he also very mean. Kassim's arms are too short to reach his pockets, said one  neighbour. He buries his money in the ground, said another. Perhaps he thinks it will grow like a plant !
Kassim hides his money in drawers, said another neighbour. Does he think it will makes his clothes smell sweet?
If Kassim thought that,  he was wrong. His clothes never smell sweet because he was too mean to wash them.
He was too mean to buy soap, so of course he was much too mean to buy new clorhes.
Every time a hole appeared Kassim mended it. He wore the same shoes for twenty years. He mended them so often that they became huge and heavy. They no longer looked like shoes, but Kassim still wore them. Everyone made about Kassim's shoes.

Every year Kassim had a bath. One fine morning he decided. Today's the day. He left his terrible old shoes on the step of the baths and went inside. The servants were good at their jop. They washed Kassim with soap and hard brushes. They dried him with soft towels. They rubbed his body with sweet oil. It was hard work, but at last Kassim was fresh and clean again.
While this was happening another man decided to visit the baths. He took off his shoes and left them on the step.
He saw Kassim's shoes and said to the servant at the door, You will frighten everyone away if you leave Kassim's shoes there. The servant picked up the old shoes with a long stick. He put them in a dark corner.
When Kassim came out of the baths he saw the other man's shoes on the step. "This is wonderful! he cried. I have often wanted some shoes like these. Now god has answered my prayers. His feet felt as light as air in the new shoes.
When the other man came out of the bath hs shoes were not there. He soon smelt Kassim's shoes brought them out of their dark corner, He went to Kassim's chemist shop.
Come out, thief!' he roared. Give me my shoes ! Kassim had to give the man his shoes. Next time. I shall call the police !' said the owner of the shoes. Kassim had to pay money to keep quiet. Now take your shoes, the angry man shouted to Kassim.
Kassim was angry and ashamed. Also, it hut him to spend money. He threw the shoes over his garden wall.

The shoes hit an old lady on the head and killed her. Her family cried and shouted 'Murder. The police arrived and found the sheos. They knew them at once, of course. Soon Kassim was a prisoner. The judge sent for the executioner.  Cooose, he told Kassim. You can pay the murdered woman's family or you must die. You must decided.
It cost kassm twenty thousand glod pieses, but at last he was free again. He took off his shoes and jumped on them. He kicked them, but they hurt his feet too much. He threw the shoes in the river.
Fish tried to eat the shoes. They rolled over on their backs and dead. At last the shoes caught in a fisherman's net. They tore the net and fish escaped. The fisherman pulled the net into the boat and found the shoes.
Kassim's shoes ! he shouted. Kassim will pay for this, The fisherman was a huge, strong man. He took the shoes to Kassim's shop and threw them against the wall. Glass bottles fell from the shelves and broke on  the floor.
Your shoes tore my net ! roared the fisherman. He picked Kassim up in one huge hand and shook him like a rat.

After the fisherman left, Kassim cleaned the blood off the face. He picked up the broken bottles. Then he  took shoes and burried them in the garden.  Some people saw him. Kassim is burying treasure, they said. The news flew round the town.
Soon a crowd of people were in Kassim's garden, looking for treasure. There is no treasure  here, said Kassim. No one belived him. At last he had to pay everyone a gold piece to go away.  After they left he looked in his money boxes. They were empty.
What can i do with these  terrible shoes?  cried Kassim. He picked them up and ran to the judge's office...........

A New war strategy

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I think, the American's public have not enough time, neither their members of congree and members of the senate and neither their president gets is such
a time of period. They consider on this realistic, that human or group of human being, why not  be so poweful. They can not become God. They try to become god or his immense power they, they express a humanity of may coming down of levels.
They could have destroyed human vaues, but never can made god. Becase god is a biggest judge, they does not oppress.
Mr George Washington who was the first president of U,S, and Mr Abraham Lincoin who was a great president of America.
They have a big struggle for the dignity of the human spirt, Abraham Lincoin's even gave up his life, A extremist American they killed. America has worked hard about devlopment of high human values of freedom and promote human rights.
But after second world war, which goverments come into power, they have  name of democracy and humanity spread chaotic
around the world. Their own wish to other nations impose on the process of the human spirt's crushed.
In punisher centers of Abu-ghrab in which have been barbaric of prsecution, they have written a new history of oppression and violence and when the black featsof guantana muby have surfaced, therefore american civil society has become a symbol of
shame. American pulic is demanding about U,S forces retun from Afghanistan and Iraq and his president thinking that more
army be sent. Rather they having already defeated army. Afghan taiban are control has on two-third Afghanistan and Nato forces has failed to defeat them, and and they have acknowledged by himself. The American president Obama had during own
election compaigns the change slogan, but since they assumes a presidency, but change we does not find for away and they
have likewise former U.S, president Bush junior of policy is pressed, they have some going on president bush is footsteps .
Those peoples are seenig is currennt situation. They are syas that, the current president's policies has American pulic suffered from depressed and frustrated. The U,S, goverment's decision are creating instability in south Asia.
They have try to making a risk Pakistan's neghbor india for us, so india could increase pressure on Pakistan. India has in psychologically fear condition as to us. As U,S, and Nato counties is warching to wondered to popularity of Pakistan's army
and this popularity are also recognizing and that everything has against these expectations. There for india is feeling a risk to us.
It's absolutely clear that,  the Israeli defence field helping to India by willing is America and they have wish to do, Pakistan has been doing to make a failed state.
 We should remember must that, India with Isreal been subtracted defense contract. Israel providing the 2.5 of defense weapons to India. This agreement began in july 2007. It was 13,December commonly everywhere that story, The india has successfully tested Dinys missile. A one side America wanted to drop on the war to Pakistan in northem area and on other hand, they have supporting to enemy country of Pakistan for make strong and powerful. India is very quickly expanding, their naval powr and this attempts with America, Israel and Russia are help him. The against Pakistan conspiring of forcs want it,
India made it a mini superpower. At rhis time Pakistan does not have another option, except that they strengthen their nave power. If Pakistan does not immediately pay attention to this side, so as nuclear power be ineffective. It will be useless if we keep any expect from America. China can only help us in this way and they even doing. Our rulers should understand that at this time Pakistan is a supreme position right now. Our army has got in successfully in Swat and Fata. This is a moment.
Our government may make it cash and we can dictate to America to own point. It is time to a speak categorically, that America together with India do not try to destabilize us. If America makes risks for Pakistan. Then Pakistan also can be over cooperations with U,S,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

 Written By khalid khan

Are we still alive ?

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Famous world analyst Mark segal and british media sources telling that the U.S military has deliberately killing innocent peoples of Pakistan through is drone attacks. they still doing missiles attacks on Pakistan's tribal areas at peace comittes and amaan meetins. They is known very well, who is the target. Before in pakistan this impression has been realized, America is target only terrorists, but sometimes guiltless public also become target, because at sometimes intelligence becomes a mistake.  Its look funny. This image is not spread to America. We never ever heard that from America, that his intelligence had made mistakes and he has apologized. It advocates by our institutions and Pakistan's goverment are made.
The any nation as a response to aggression or violence, his know goes of life. We are a nation alive. Minimum, we think so.
But what is we are showing response on drone attacks.? Nation's media like mirrors and let see our media condition.

Wheneve is drone attack on Pakistan. The Pakistan's all newspepars and tv channels that news showing always in this words. U.S drane attack, 24 terrorist dead. Who told to media ? It were dead all only terrorist. What their reporter was with
at the time terrorist.? Whom told the media. All were killed only terrorist.It's not difficult to appraise, who are alive nation, India or we? In India has also too many terrorist. Suppose, if U.S does drone attack on India, So what do you think ? Indian media will broadcast this news some Pakistan's media words. Means, the U.S. bombing, 50 terrorist in killed. They will alamism in all world, U.S. aggression has India, many Indian were killed.
Now the all secrets are revealed. U.S. doesn's drone attack is by itself, rather ours institutions and rulers are invite them for attack us and all guiltless civilians going on killed and that reality of his death, not america, rather ours goverment is trying to hide to us. Goverment of Pakistan and his institutions as alive, just let them live, but what's happened with our media ? They should stay on the path of trust and justice.

Written By khalid khan

I can save to you from this destruction

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The 1953 in lahor during in a function. In this function the U.s consul general met with those times Pakistan's military cheif general   Mohammad Ayub khan.
The situation of discussion between U.S consul general and Ayub khan, The army cheif told him that now Pakistan's army wouldn't permit to Pakistan's politicians they go out of control us and nor to the public of pakistan could out of control.
They says, I do feel that the palkistan's army has big responsibility on Pakistan' army they in any care save our country.
This revealed those time the set Ambassador in Pakistan Mr Paul Wolf the U.S state department own since 20 April 1953,
one secret post.
Those tmie, army cheif of general M Ayub khan has cotegorically made it clear in words, he couldn't allowed to Pakistan's army, paliticians and common pulic, they will destroyed own country.
It was means that, general Ayub khan has already decided that. The country's decide of destiny will does not take Pakistan pulic. Rather it will take only Pakistan's amy. we have been till now taking a big punishments their decisions.
The army cheif of general M Ayub khan and those times Pakistan's secretary of defense Mr Sikande Mira for save to devatation to country. Those times Prime minister of Pakistan Mr Khwaja Nazim-ud-din dismissed for no reason.
At last /1958 for reason save to devatations the general Ayub khan taken a military action and made by military government.
Likewise Pakistan's army general is been fullly hold on our country from  beginning and they didn.t allow to politicians and common puplic of Pakistan. they country to destruction.
As well as that thinking, i can save pakistan that think was not limited on military journals in mind. rather slowly slowly that imagine every individual and organization addopted, who very above to the common pulic of Pakistan some going on still now.
The Ayun Khan like that thoughts. he has only or Pakistan's military can save Pakistan to disaster. now here is so many claimant has created, who says, only we can save that country. The Pakistan's judiciary has claim that, extremist religious parties has that claim, outer & inner powrful external constituencies made by the politicians has also that claim and now
our media also has claim that, only i can save.
Those all peoples, institutions and groups has target innocent public of Pakstan or that politicians who has believed in the power of public. Now has not lack such as peoples in Pakistan, who immense personal power or an institution or goup on the
strengh of this claim he only save our country. But Pakistan's number is perhaps in these few countries. Whose devastation and destruction's stories by described civilized world will gets adidactic. Nobody save in Pakistan, here has such bloodies,
it will be not in the all world wars. The terrorists in Pakistan freely roaming everywhere, noboy have to stop them. That's funny.
The one killer we gets execuled, but we are negotiation with whose done thousands killed.
Here is a big happened, Dhaka's collapse occurred as and we writtten is a sad history that Pakistan army had been in custdy of India. We have also seen that millions of bungalows was killed. when Bungal was detached to us.
Here is the massacre of innocent peoples by extremist groups are every day. We are reading that news daily  the Pakistan's against foreign agencies agents are uninterrupted operations. Some newspapers also writes that. America has made a shadow state of Pakistan. America and his coalition has attacks on our country and we are unable. Hee is peoples die from fake drugs.. There parents sell their children forced from poverty and hunger and peoples are diong suicide. Intelligence agencies hava people are diong absent. Then their dead bodies are found. Pakistan's political, especially black money holder 
has been dominated. Now Pakistan's 16 Crore pulic decisions who taken. who earned money to illegal sources.
Everyway is screaming and yelling.
The Ayub khan had in 1952 expressed about save country from which destruction, that country now reached some limit of devastation. But today also military and non military like Ayub khan has saying that only they are can save Pakistan.

Now, I ask to you. Shall we always remain the same as their slave ???

Written By khalid khan

Where we go

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Pakistan's bigest problem is the lack of moral, social, historical and political awareness. Our country came into exixtense as an
ideological state but today our new generation does not contain the knowledge of pakistan's ideology.
The pakistan's nation is divided into maney groups on the basis of liguistic, locality and culture. Urdu is our national language
but it's promotion is being done on a small scale. Pakistan's electoral politics is such that any criminal can be elected as our
nation's representative by using money and power. The crop of terrorism has been seeded in corners of our country.
Suicide bombing are common in pakistan. Foreign spies are openly patrolling in the dimension of pakistan but our Goverment
dare not stop them. Our economy is dependent on some western counties. Our beloved country is trapped in interest system
and loaned to a great extent. Unemployment is rising and the blocked of electricity has spreed unrest in the nation. Our social
style is also under influence of some western countries. The storm of obscenity has surrounded our youth.
Our society is underway towards a moral decline. This is not that Pakistan whose dream was seen by Allmah Iqbal and whose
case was faught by Quaid-e-Azem. We have no leader who can outwith our country with these crisis. Are we going on sit hands on hands to wait for this leader ?

We live in as era where there is turmoil around us. There was an age of stone but today a common man is stone-hearted.
There are few people amonsgst us who have true love as luck. We are breathing in the atmoshphere of competition. The competition is of big homes, expensive cars, high quality garments and other luxury items. How can we bear that our friends,
relatives and neightbors take advantage on us in accumulating wealth. If we dont know the principles on how to earn and spend money. Then this money will become burden on our soul. What is the use of that money which connot give us
We have seen hatreds flounshing in the homes of many rich people. Money can buy sleeping pills not peace of heart and mind. Stand at road side look at cars. Yoyr observation will inform you that such cars are very less in which a family are
travelling. Most of the rich people in the world are suffering through loneliness. Psychiatrists will agree with me that loneliness
is the major couse of mental disorders. Limit the list of your necessitiess of life. The more you prolong it, the more complicated your life will be. Persuade the children to seek education. But do not ask them to seek education just earn
money when they become older. Give them the lesson of seeking education and making their and others life pleasant through it. Pakistan's squalidness will not be over till we free ourselves from personal interests and serve the country. This is the
requirement of patriotism.

We see a lot of ignorance when it comes to the mattes of marraige in our pakistani society. Wrong perception about marriage
can lead to disaster. Marriage is a strong relationship that helps in eradicating impurity from society social contract and is not
unbreakable easily. Every pakistani man or woman has the right to choose his or her life partner.
Psrents can guide their children during this process but cannot force thier opinions. While marrying a man or woman, thier
personality, life style and education should be taken into account. We see many married couples around us where man
and woman have ideology conflict. There in nothing wrong when a man or woman loves each other and convest this love into
marriage, a healthy relationship. Love between a man or woman is natural but they should not convert this love into pre-marital
relationship.  There is a liberal class in pakistan which practices and advocates premarital relationships. Our media telecasts
dramas, films, and stage shows which potray love in its filthy from. As a result, our young generation has indulged in vulgarity.
Vulgarity will give our young generation nothing but disease. It is our moral responsibility to put the producersm directors
and writers of such programs behind bars. Many people put forword the question to us "What is pakistani society good at?
Our answer to them is always same and this is Our society is good in establishing family system". Woman as a mother, sister, daughter or wife plays a vital role in the unity and well being of the family. We should educate our woman and give them feedon within moral boundries. We strongly against the employment of women unless men cannot fulfil the finacial needs of the family...

Written By khalid khan

Lucky or Misfortune

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Living with cp  is a very painful life. I think who is better know. whoever forced living that life.
My personally thought that. A physically normal guy can't understand our mind and heart feelings.
Let us we knowing first,  what is Cp?
The brain controls all that we do. Different parts of  the brain control the movement of every muscle of  the body. In cerebral palsy, there is damage to, or lack  of development in, one of these areas of the brain.“Cerebral” – refers to the brain.“Palsy” – can mean weakness or paralysis or lack of muscle control. Therefore cerebral palsy is a disorder of muscle control
which results from some damage to part of the brain. The term cerebral palsy is used when the problem has occurred early in life, to the developing brain.

We should even remember that must be an effected of cerebral palsy person also keeps thoughts some like a normal person. He has also heart feelings,happiness,
grief/ sorrow, rather his feeling too much to others.
As i am too effected of cp, I can better understand rather to others. Because i have also 33 years lived with cp and living even right now unless  death.
As  a living with cp. If i write that, What i have lost or what i have got to own recently life.
Then my that words will not be wrong. I got it so much and a little less lost.
I have so much got my parents love to other my bro/sisters. I got, so much kindness from my teachers and relatives. I think we are lucky persons in this universe.
I realize that a effected of cp person rate of thought to better a normal person.
if you give a chance with better guidance to them. I strongly believe that.
They will can new innovations, because a common man has a lot of thoughts going on his mind. But a physically special man can thinking one side, therefore he just need a good guidance and your encouragements...

Written By khalid khan

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